Biblical Meaning of Lizard in a Dream: 5 Powerful Interpretations

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Lizards may appear in dreams and invoke intense feelings in your subconscious. If you’re wondering what the biblical meaning of lizard in a dream is, this is your perfect interpretation.

What Is the Biblical Meaning of Lizard in a Dream?

Dreams about lizards can biblically be interpreted differently depending on context. Here is the most common biblical meaning of lizards in dreams.


In Leviticus 11:29-30, lizards were believed to be unclean by Israelites. Dreaming of a lizard may be a signal that you have done something that makes you unclean before God. In Moses’ dream, it’s believed that anyone who touches or eats a lizard is regarded as dirty. 

This dream is a revelation that you may have done something ungodly in the eyes of heavenly angels and it has come back in the form of a lizard in a dream. The higher-ups may be signalling you to meditate and repent for that action.


Suppose you’re fighting a lizard in a dream. It may suggest chastity and courage in your effort to spread God’s word. Perhaps you are converting someone into a better version of themselves by influencing their harmful behavior. Your action is worthy of blessings, and you are doing a great job.

Also, this dream may be symbolic of your perseverance in difficult times. You should be proud of yourself.


Another biblical meaning of lizard in a dream is stress. In many cultures, lizards symbolize renewal and regeneration and are often hailed for their wisdom and brilliance. This dream about lizards may signal that you lack the sensible characteristics of lizards to overcome current hardships.

Mostly, you might be subjected to work or family issues that are stressing you in your waking life. Seeing a lizard in a dream may be a biblical signal that you need to get rid of the stress and embrace peace of mind. Take time off, relax, and enjoy your life a little as part of the regeneration.


A human being is all but insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Similarly, God cherishes all of humanity in the same way He values a small lizard. Although lizards are small creatures, God still welcomes them into His heavenly kingdom. If you dream of a lizard, it might remind you to keep your faith in God.

Seeing a lizard in your dream reminds you to appreciate even the smallest creatures. It might be angels hugging and reminding you to spread love and keep faith in God in the dream of lizards 


In Proverbs 30:28, a lizard is viewed as a creature of potential since it can sneak past heavy security in kings’ palaces, but can only be caught by hand.

A dream about seeing a lizard may be a signal that you have recently unlocked an extraordinary ability in your life that will push you to success. This is an opportunity for growing and getting something new that may carry risks but will leave you with an unforgettable fruitful experience.

In the same way as the humble lizard, people may try and stop you, but if you persevere you will reach your true potential. It may be a sign from heaven telling you to reach your full potential. Make your way to the palace you were meant for from the very beginning by taking a step forward. Something to look forward to has been given to you by the angels and there is no point in doubting it now.

Common Dreams About Lizards & Their Interpretations

If you see a lizard in your dream, it might carry different meanings according to context.

Biblical Meaning of Dead Lizards in Dreams

In the spiritual world, we view death as a sign of separation from God and His blessings. Comparably, if you dream about a dead lizard, it may symbolize a lack of spiritual connection or a separation from your blessings.

God could be warning you to reevaluate your relationship with Him. It could also be a sign of a lack of progression or growth in your professional or personal life. Maybe you still hold onto old habits that are barring your progress.

God is trying to tell you to let go of those barriers and accept change. You must, like a lizard, shed your old ways to evolve and thrive, just as it sheds its skin to grow.

Biblical Meaning of Killing Lizards in Dreams

Killing a lizard in your dream may symbolize being overwhelmed by a situation or problem in your life. You are finding it difficult to deal with it and can’t make things right at the moment.

Alternatively, this dream could mean that you’re trying to hide from life’s realities, like a lizard burrows into the ground seeking safety from predators.

The biblical meaning of lizard in a dream in this scenario could symbolize a need to disappear from your current status quo and get away from it.

Spiritual Meaning of Seeing Lizard in Dream

Being cold-blooded creatures, lizards often lack emotions in adverse weather conditions. The spiritual meaning of lizards in dreams could be a need to exercise caution about what you do or say. If you have this dream, you need to be careful about how your actions and words affect those around you.

Dreaming about seeing a lizard could also symbolize fear since they are often seen as scary reptiles.

Biblical Meaning of Black Lizards in Dreams

The biblical meaning of lizards in dreams and they are black is that you’re being secretive and deceptive. The black color is a reflection of your ‘dark’ lifestyle and you feel the need to come out clean in your waking life.

Also, this dream could mean that you’re being deceived and manipulated by someone. You have the power to take charge of your life and avoid deception and manipulation in your life.

Dreaming of a Giant Lizard 

If a giant lizard appears in your dream, it biblically symbolizes an overwhelming obstacle or temptation in your life that needs God’s favor to overcome it, like the story of David and Goliath.

However, you must have faith and trust in God like David while exercising patience and courage. With these, you can easily overcome any challenge or obstacle that comes your way.

Dreaming of seeing a giant lizard is a reminder that you need to trust in God’s plan and believe that you’ll emerge victorious.

Dreaming of Green Lizard 

In the Bible, the green color is a sign of abundance, prosperity, and growth. In Psalms 92:12-15, the Bible says, “The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God.” The idea of growth and flourishing is presented in this verse, in a similar way to the green lizard in your dream.

In this dream of a green lizard, you’re being reminded to remain focused spiritually and trust in God for the provision of your daily needs.

Besides, the green color connecting nature and the lizard could symbolize how important it is to take care of God’s creation and the environment.

Spiritual Meaning of Lizard in House

If in a dream you see a lizard in the house, it could spiritually symbolize a secret you have been hiding from someone about to be disclosed. Maybe you have been covering up something and that person will soon find out the truth.

Another biblical meaning of lizard in a dream in the house may be that you’re hiding something from yourself. You may not beware of it and it’s time to come clean and face your little dirty secret head-on.

Dreaming of Lizard Shedding Its Skin

The biblical meaning of a lizard shedding its skin can be transformation and rebirth. The caterpillar is transformed into a butterfly in the Bible and often illustrates a spiritual rebirth.

Similarly, a lizard shedding its skin can indicate letting go of old habits and beliefs that are no longer beneficial to you and embracing a new phase of life. In this dream, you are being encouraged to be open to change and trust the process of transformation and growth.

Skin-shedding may be uncomfortable for the lizard but is necessary for its growth and development. Symbolically, you may feel uncomfortable as we change and grow but it’s a significant phase of life to become a better version of yourself.

Spiritual Meaning of Seeing a Baby Lizard

The spiritual meaning of seeing a baby lizard is that you’ll overcome obstacles that have been hindering your progress and finally attain your goals. Also, it could symbolize finding new love maybe through unexpected friendship or finding a new exciting hobby.

If the baby lizard in your dream is scampering around in front of you on the sidewalk, it could signify that something new will come your way soon and change your life for the better.

Dreaming of Lizard Attack 

Since reptiles are often associated with temptation and the devil, dreaming about a lizard attack could mean that the devil is trying to derail your life and lead you astray. Also, it could symbolize the presence of spiritual warfare in your life where dark forces and negative energies are fighting to overpower you. You should stay strong in your faith in God to overcome these challenges.

Other relevant stories of immense challenges to people can be found in the story of Job and Joseph. They trusted God and persevered through the challenging times in their lives and eventually overcame them and emerged stronger. Therefore, you should pray for strength and guidance from God if you dream of a lizard attack. He will provide the necessary tools to overcome any obstacles on your way.

Dreaming of Several Lizards 

This dream could symbolize a large number of unimportant people in your life but still have an impact on your life. Also, seeing many lizards in a dream may signify that you have many people in your life you should take care of, and you may be overwhelmed at times.

In Mark 12:31, the Bible encourages us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, and so should you. You are being encouraged to take care of even the insignificant people in your life kindly and compassionately as the Bible dictates.

Dreaming of Lizard Watching You 

A lizard watching you in a dream can be an unsettling event and an indicator of someone keeping an eye on you or waiting to harm you in your waking life. You could be a target of dark forces and should pray for guidance and protection from God. 

This dream can also be interpreted as a warning of potential betrayal from people around you. You need to stay vigilant and blend with the environment like a lizard so you can be aware of who these people are.

Conclusion: Biblical Meaning of Lizard in a Dream

The biblical meaning of lizard in a dream is impurity, courage, faith, stress, and potential. However, if you have faith in God’s protection and redemption, you can prevail over any negative meanings through prayer.

You should look for God’s voice so you can get your nightly visions correctly interpreted. May the biblical meaning of lizards in dreams move you closer to Christ. Amen!

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